5 thoughts on “About me”

  1. Hello,

    I’ve read your Article avout VOIP and HFSC
    I’ve got few questions ?

    Considering this

    tc class add dev $DEV parent 1:1 classid 1:2 hfsc \
    rt m1 ${UPLINK}kbit d 50ms m2 $[1*$UPLINK/10]kbit \
    ls m1 ${UPLINK}kbit d 50ms m2 $[3*$UPLINK/10]kbit \
    ul rate ${UPLINK}kbit

    rt = realtime curve
    ls = linksharing curve

    m1 = ?
    m2 = ?
    d = dmax ?

    I’ve found this article too

    And for example this line is quite diferent !

    tc class add dev eth0 parent 1:10 classid 1:12 hfsc sc umax 1500b dmax 30ms rate 100kbit ul rate 1000kbit

    Could you light me a bite ?


  2. Hey, I’m interested in your django search code but the SVN link no longer works. Is there somewhere else I could access it?


  3. Hello Mr Automatthias,

    I found your post on Ubuntuforums.org regarding activating wireless network on a Amilo M7440G Fujitsu Siemens (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341453):

    sudo modprobe acerhk
    sudo su -c “echo 1 > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled

    This works and thats great!

    If it works, you can make it permanent by creating a file /etc/modprobe.d/ipw2200 with the two following lines:

    options ipw2200 led=1
    install ipw2200 /sbin/modprobe acerhk; sleep 1; echo 1 > /proc/driver/acerhk/wirelessled; /sbin/modprobe –ignore-install ipw2200

    Iam am new to linux and I dont have the folder “ipw2200” and I dont know how to make a file to past this code, and I dont know which kind of file I should make. Could you please help me with this one?

    Thanks a lot,

    Best regards,
    Runar from Norway

  4. Dzien dobry Mr Blizinski!

    I haven’t had a chance to contact you after we met on the flight from Dublin to Oslo last month. It was an outstanding conversation we had – language, history, politics from all sorts of perspectives – so it would be a shame not to continue it. Flight go quicker!

    Anyway, do drop me an e-mail. I saw a lot on Poland during August and September and I am looking forward to discussing it with you.

    Good luck,


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